Text: John 14: 1 – 15
Many believers are still struggling with their faith in God, one day they are excited about the things of God, the next they doubt the very foundation of their belief in him. Some go as far as questioning their decision to accept Jesus as personal Lord and saviour and following him.
Perhaps this is the situation, that you find your self today, or the situation of someone close to you. I have got news for you, you are not in this alone. Many have sat in the very same position that you find your self today. Many are still pondering and questioning their decision to follow Jesus Christ.
In John 14: 1, Jesus senses the inner struggle his disciples had, He encourages them not to relent in their faith in the father. He asks them not to cease in their believe
John 14:1 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me. Note that Jesus was speaking to believers (his disciples). We all need to be encouraged, even the pastors.
New King James Version (NKJV)
Simply put Jesus is encouraging each and every one of his followers not to quit, or give up, in verse 2 & 3 he tells us that the grand design is for us to be Permanent residents of Heaven, not visitors or temporary residents
2 In My Father’s house there are many dwelling places (homes). If it were not so, I would have told you; for I am going away to prepare a place for you.( Jesus offers to be our fore runner, to go and get the mansion ready so that we can be comfortable, imagine a home furnished by Christ)
3 And when (if) I go and make ready a place for you, I will come back again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.
3. Develop a Sons mentality
Jesus promised us a home in his father’s house, in other words, we are to come not as Visitors or temporary residents but as Owners or co – owners of the kingdom.
In John 1:1 – 12, 13
12 But as many as did receive and welcome him, He gave the authority to become the Children of God that is to those who believe in his name. 13 who owe their birth neither to bloods nor to the will of the flesh nor to the will of Man
Despite the promises and invitation to us to share in the divine inheritance many believers, will be totally uncomfortable in the father’s house. They find it difficult to exercise the rights and privileges of a son. They go about in a servant mentality. You have to start exercising the right and privileges of the son here on earth
Attributes of son ship Luke 15:1 – 35
• He is conscious of his relationship with the father – vs 11
• He is conscious of his rights/Inheritance
• He is not afraid to demand for anything that belongs to him
• He is not afraid to return to the father no matter the consequence/ what people may say Vs. 17 – {when you find your self-fallen short of God’s expectation what do you do? Do you run to or from God}
• Before the father he is not ashamed to acknowledge his sin Vs. 18 – 22
• A mature and responsible son, will look around and take responsibility and fix whatever he feels is going wrong in the house.
Unlike the prodigal Son, his elder brother had a servant mentality, though older he never exercised his rights as a son.
When the church gathers and you are not present will they miss you? If they do how will they remember you.
[The story of Dorcas] Acts 9:36 – 40.
When we are not in Church, in the community or at a family gathering does someone notice? If they do how do they remember you? As on who gives or as one who takes? Orcas died the church mourned her, the people cried because her absence was going to create a vacuum.