Healing of Ears
For several years I experienced pain in my ears from high pitched loud sounds including music, even praise and worship, loud voices, children laughing and screaming, etc. Many times I had to leave the room during praise and worship at many church functions.
Last year, while still in Victoria, i was experiencing the pain in a service from a child’s high pitched loud voice, when I heard the Lord say, “I’ve made you sensitive so you can easily and clearly hear my voice. You experience pain by some loud sounds – screaming, loud shrill sounds. This represents the sounds of the earth coming that hurt my ears- cries of hurting people, cries of children – abused, murdered by abortion, their pain, cries of rebellion and defiance to my Word and my ways, refusal to accept my love.” I thanked the Lord for his message.
As time passed, I asked the Lord to please heal my ears, so I can enter in more fully in worship. Then, it finally happened.
I had expressed my difficulty to Pastor Manie and how I nearly left the previous week’s Sunday service due to the pain. Then at our Open Heaven prayer meeting Sept. 28th after standing in the foyer during worship, I submitted again to the Lord as Pastor Manie was praying for our needs to me met. He laid hands on my ears and prayed for healing.
In a few minutes, I noticed that the pain was gone!! Praise the Lord Jesus for ministering His healing touch.
So now I enjoy the worship services without pain. Children laughing and shouting at my son’s birthday party didn’t cause pain. I am eternally grateful.
Forest Fire Stopped
“Two weeks ago I was out for a walk with a friend of mine when her boyfriend called. He was working in Northern Saskatchewan in an oilfield camp and he called to ask her to pray for him and all the guys in the camp because there was a forest fire within 1 hour distance from the camp and they needed to know if they should evacuate or what to do?
So as soon as she hung up the phone we started to pray for him and the guys in the camp. She prayed and asked that God would stop the wind and then I prayed and asked for the wind to change direction so the fire would move away from the camp. Then we both asked God for it to be done for His glory, and we thanked God it had been done and praised Him for it and went back to visiting with each other.
A little while later her boyfriend called back and told her that a few minutes after he talked to her (so at exactly the same time as we were praying) the wind SUDDENLY stopped and then changed direction!!!!!! exactly as we had prayed! God is sooooo good… there is nothing too big for HIM!!!”
– from Kristen Federchuk.
The Healing
Wednesday October 1, 2014, J was doing a hand stand on the couch and hit her right foot on her desk (coffee table).
That evening I took her to the Children’s Hospital, because her foot was swollen, I couldn’t even touch it without her screaming in pain and she couldn’t walk on it at all. J got X-rays done of her foot in the emergency department. The emergency doctor pointed out that she had injuries on three growth plates on her metatarsals. The 2nd metatarsal appeared to have the worst break of the three with a type 2 fracture and he pointed out a floating chipped piece of bone. The other metatarsals had type 1 fractures. The emergency doctor showed me the X-rays and I saw each fracture on each growth plate of each of those three metatarsals, including the floating bone chip. I saw it with my own eyes and my heart sank in my chest because I remember learning that it was not good to break a growth plate. There was a chance of deformities later and that made me sick to my stomach. We were referred to an orthopedic surgeon and given an air cast to wear for four weeks.
As we were leaving the emergency, J asked me to explain what the doctor showed me and I said that her foot is broken, that it’s not good but we were going to talk to Jesus about healing it. I reminded her of what He did for me and we both agreed that this was going to be fixed by Jesus too.
We went home and prayed over those bones that night and everyday we prayed they’d be heal with no complications & no deformities – that they would be healed as if they were never broken before. We prayed that there would be no evidence that they were even broken. We spoke to those bones and commanded those bones to be healed in Jesus name.
By the end of the next day October 2, 2014 J was saying her foot was healed and that she was not going to wear the cast for another day. She was adamant about it and I was apprehensive about letting her take her cast off. She did this infront of my mother who said that she is just like I was when I got healed “determined that she’s healed – end of story”. At that point I realized that she was healed. I was healed at that same age as her – six and yes I was just as aggressive about declaring it too, almost with temper tantrums, just like J. Therefore I believed her but “wisdom” seemed to say to me “get a doctor’s opinion before you take that cast off permanently”.
I had to argue with J to keep that cast on EVERYDAY and all the while I believed with her and proclaimed that that foot was healed. We thanked Jesus for healing that foot!
Friday October 3, 2014 we went to a prayer meeting at church and Pastor Mannie asked us to visualize what we were asking God for. I visualized that little bone chip going back where it belonged and those bones being as if they were never broken.
Mean while J was fighting and arguing about wearing the cast and shouting “I’m healed!?!” to anyone who dared to say her foot was broken. She would get spitting angry at anyone who said it was broken! She was also running and jumping on that foot in its cast after the first 24hrs when she declared she was healed originally.
On Tuesday October 14, 2014, we went to see the orthopedic pediatric surgeon (Dr Harder) at the children’s hospital and he brought up the X-rays and said that there was no evidence of the foot being broken. I looked at the X-rays and saw that it was the same bone structure as the one I saw in the emergency room but it was missing the bone chip – it was back where it was supposed to be. God answered our prayers – there was no evidence that that foot was even broken! So the doctor told us to take the cast off so he could look at it and he said, “What ever injury she had in this foot, it is no longer there! It is healed! Let her walk on it without the cast.” So she did and there was no evidence that that foot was broken! She totally is healed. So the doctor said, “Let her walk without the cast but take it easy.” I asked about gymnastics and he said, “Go ahead, but pull her out if it hurts.”
Do note that this wasn’t even two weeks in the cast! Bones do NOT heal like that naturally in two weeks! And I must say I was spooked a bit to not see that bone chip in the X-ray. Yet it was the same foot X-ray – it had the same features as the original X-ray. I was shocked wondering if the emergency doctor mixed up the X-rays at first. Then God reminded me of what J and I were praying every night – that there would be no evidence that she even broke her foot… Nothing is impossible for Him, but I really didn’t expect Him to change the X-ray results. I had expected that He would just heal the foot! Ha ha! This was out of this World!!!!
We immediately went to the playground outside the hospital, J took off her cast and ran around the playground barefoot. There was no evidence that that foot was broken at all. No pain, no discomfort.
Thursday October 16, 2014 J went back to her gymnastics class and did all her routines of jumping and balancing. Still, there was no evidence of any broken bones in her foot.
Praise our Most High God! Glory to God! By Jesus’ stripes J got healed! There is no evidence that J even broke her foot. He even changed the X-rays!